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Four Car Pileup Leaves four in Critical Condition

This past weekend in the city of Norwalk, a serious accident occurred on the intersection of Alondra Blvd and Pioneer Blvd. A woman was driving down Pioneer Blvd, when she did not notice a red light and the car in front of her braking. The woman kept driving and ended up hitting the car stopped at the light into oncoming traffic on Alondra Blvd. The car at the light was hit by a car traveling west on Alondra Blvd and both of those cars hit another car traveling in the same direction in the lane over. The police were called immediately as well as paramedics. When the police arrived at the scene, witnesses were trying to help the victims out of there car. The woman responsible for the initial accident was elderly and told police that she did not see that the car was stopped at a red light in front of her. A total of four people involved in the accident were rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Police say that drugs or alcohol were not involved in this accident and it was simply an accident. The elderly woman was the only person involved in the accident that was not rushed to the hospital, but she was treated at the scene for some minor scratches and bruises. It is unsure whether the police will press charges against the elderly woman for the outcome of the accident, but they were unwilling to release that information to our reporter. It is important that everyone drives with extreme caution because an accident could happen at any time and it could end up claiming your life if you are not careful. The four victims that were rushed to the hospital will all make full recoveries and will be fine in a few weeks. If you have any questions about this story or would like to know how the victims of the accident are doing, then please feel free to contact one of our agents at Bail Bonds Norwalk and our agent will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

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