Ex-Pastor gets 6 Years For Sexual Assault
A former Pastor for a Norwalk Church was sentenced on Thursday after pleading no contest to a felony charge of Sexual Penetration with a foreign object. The man, Jorge Castro, allegedly sexually assaulted a female congregant while praying for her at a counseling session. The former pastor saw the women in April 2010, when she came to him for some spiritual counseling at Las Buenas Nuevas Church. Originally, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s accused Castro of targeting women at the church who were In this country illegally and only spoke Spanish. Officials said that he would meet them at church and assault them there or at their own house during a home visit. He apparently comforted women saying that the sex acts were part of a faith-healing process. After Castro’s arrest, officials have been able to date back his assaults to shortly after 2004 when he came to this country from Argentina. Also, many more women from the church have come out to speak about their assaults suffered from Castro. Blog by Express Bail Bonds Norwalk.